Estimate your 30 days returns
Staking Amount (TFX) | |
Interest Rate | 1.00% |
Attachment Amount (CCT) | |
Profit Sharing | 1.00% |
The new system complements the TFX evolution strategy to bring more innovative solutions.
Dedicated Liquidity Providers
Customised Crypto Tokens
Introducing TFX Staking
Moving forward, all New Fund Managers will have their own Dedicated Liquidity Providers.
This means that New Fund Managers will not face liquidity issues as separate Liquidity Providers will be assigned specifically to different Fund Managers.
As such, New Fund Managers will invest a minimum of 10 million USD as capital upon partnering with us.
Under the new system, New Fund Managers own and manage their Customised Crypto Tokens. Instead of TFX, Attachment and Profit Sharing will be calculated and distributed based on the Fund Managers’ Customised Crypto Tokens.
The price value of Customised Crypto Tokens are independent from each other. This presents a high potential where the value grows beyond its launching price if the Fund Manager delivers a good performance.
Investors will be able to buy and sell the Customised Crypto Tokens on Triumph Exchange, TEX.
Staking is a way of earning interest for holding certain cryptocurrencies. TFX Staking is the prerequisite for any New Fund Attachment. Investors can earn up to 24% USDT per annum based on the Staking Period.
Each Staking Period is tied to the Maturity Period in which clients must fulfill before proceeding for attachment.
After Staking, investors must attach Customised Crypto Tokens to Fund Manager. This way, investors get to earn additional Staking Interests on top of any Fund Manager’s Profit Sharing. These profits will be generated from the Fund Managers’ Lot Rebates as well as part of the broker’s commission fees.
*Minimum staking amount: 1,000 TFX
Staking Amount (TFX) | |
Interest Rate | 1.00% |
Attachment Amount (CCT) | |
Profit Sharing | 1.00% |